God in the details of November election
Tim Wildmon
Tim Wildmon
AFA president

March 2011 – Excuse the tardiness, but I believe readers of the AFA Journal would still be interested in some good-news nuggets from the November election results. This data was provided by David Barton of WallBuilders in a report titled: The 2010 Election: The News Inside the News.

▶ Highest Christian voter turnout ever.
▶ Of the 16 new senators, 13 are pro-life – an 84% class; in 2008 only 2 out of 14 were pro-life, or 14%.
▶ Of the 97 new House members, 81 are pro-life – an 84% class; in 2008 only 23 of 57 were pro-life, or 40%.

State results were equally compelling, including the number of states weighing in on marriage. For example, in Maine, the legislature had passed gay marriage, but the citizens voted it down in a statewide election; also 22 of the legislators who voted for gay marriage were turned out and replaced with 22 pro-marriage legislators. And in New Hampshire, the legislature voted for gay marriage; 134 of the legislators were turned out and replaced; in Iowa, 3 of the Supreme Court Justices who ordered gay marriage were removed from the court, etc.

While changes toward conservatism were substantial, nearly all national news coverage focused only on fiscal conservatism. But statistics affirm that the election was also about social conservatism. Exit polling showed that among conservative voters:

▶ Tea Party supporters made up 41% of voters.
▶ When asked what was needed to get America back on track, reducing spending and restoring values were equally important.
▶ Christian conservatives comprised 28.8 million, or 32% of all voters, the highest recorded percentage of any election.
▶ Two black Republicans were elected to positions never before held by any black representative. There are six new Latino Republicans in Congress (five in the House, one in the Senate), and nine new female Republicans (eight in the House, and one in the Senate). All of these freshmen are pro-life.
▶ All of the new Republican Latino members ran on an immigration position that includes securing the borders, enforcing existing laws, controlling immigration and opposing amnesty.
▶ Three of the new Republican Senate freshmen (Marco Rubio, Pat Toomey, and Ron Johnson) boldly advocate Americanism, God-given unalienable rights, the free market and constitutionalism.
▶ There was a boost for the Congressional Prayer Caucus made up of dozens of congressional members who meet in Room 219 of the Capitol (directly across from the House Chamber) for extended prayer for the country. The Prayer Caucus has been bold in defending religious liberties and public religious expressions.Significantly, of the 62 members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus running for re-election, 61 were returned – a percentage much, much higher than the House at large.

There is so much more to this report that is encouraging. I want to thank David Barton and WallBuilders for putting this research together. Find the entire report at www.wallbuilders.com.

Finally, please remember to pray regularly for all of our leaders, including the president. While I have serious and profound disagreements with him on many issues, I always try to remember that no one is beyond the reach of God.  undefined