Think, pray, vote
Think, pray, vote
Carolyn Reeves
Carolyn Reeves
Retired science teacher and co-author of a series of elementary science textbooks (New Leaf Press).

November 2016 – American citizens espouse a variety of worldviews, the two major views being Judeo-Christian and secular humanism. Strangely, in recent years, the dominant culture-shaping forces have been from the minority views of secular humanism held by the leadership in fields such as entertainment, education, and often politics.

Humanists tend to have atheistic or agnostic religious beliefs and consider human reasoning and human solutions superior to biblical teachings and the laws of God. This has resulted in a number of secular laws and regulations legalizing such things as abortion, homosexual marriage, transgender “rights,” and required teaching in public schools that all life arose naturalistically.

When Christians fail to vote
Christians are often surprised when their beliefs are supplanted by ideas with which they strongly disagree. In 2015, the conservative community of Charlotte, North Carolina, held city elections. According to Franklin Graham, 90% of the registered Christian voters in Charlotte failed to vote.

Subsequently, the city elected a mayor and a majority of aldermen who were activists for the LGBTQ lobby. One of their first orders of business was to pass a city ordinance requiring all businesses to allow men who believed their true gender was female to use all bathrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms of their choice. Women who believed their true gender was male were likewise permitted to use these spaces according to their perceived gender.

Biblical worldview losing impact
In recent years, Christians have seen the biblical worldview weakening as secular humanist worldviews have become stronger. Christians need first to recognize the conflicts between these worldviews.

Chapters 1-3 of Genesis establish some of the essentials of the Judeo-Christian worldview. God is proclaimed as the Creator of everything that exists, but today’s policies and laws have removed the terms God, design, and Creator not only from science books, but from schools in general. God’s design for the family – husband and wife; father and mother; parents and children; and male and female – are being redesigned by today’s social engineers.

Children in public schools are immersed in a secular worldview as Christian symbols and practices are being systematically eliminated: prayer before sporting events, Christian songs, Christmas and Easter events, and references to God even in personal essays.

Christian individuals, businesses, and churches are required to accept situations that violate their religious beliefs, such as attempts to force Christian religious organizations to pay for insurance that supplies abortion-causing drugs or to force private schools to allow transgender students to live in the dorm of their choice.

Being salt and light in the world
Jesus told His disciples to be salt and light in the world. This can still be done as churches show the love, power, and truth of Christ to their local communities and abroad and pray earnestly for a God-breathed sweeping revival that would change hearts.

While national elections are very important, another critical way to bring salt and light into our local communities is to be sure that Christians are a part of local government and other policy-making bodies. Christians can affect the governing of their communities as they:

(1) Register to vote and exercise this right in every election.
(2) Consider joining or seeking an appointment to groups such as the library board; park
commission; parent/teacher groups; city, county, and school committees; political committees; and other decision-making groups.
(3) Write, call, or talk with officials about issues you consider important. As a Christian, always make your views known in a Christian manner.
(4) In every race where possible, support, campaign, pray, and vote for an honest, dependable candidate whose life, record, and commitment reflect Christian moral values.  undefined

Read an expanded version of this article at her website: